Winter Self-Care

Self Care Massage Me

Life in the mountains is indeed beautiful. The snow, the frosty air, the stunning blue skies make for an Instagram-worthy holiday or lifestyle.

Christmas and New Year bring with them their own special joys - and stresses! Then, as January arrives, we sometimes breathe a sigh of relief as we get back to a little bit of normality. This is when our bodies immune systems also seem to relax, and bam! Flu season arrives in force. 

So what’s the best way to keep clear of the lurgy this winter? Here are our top tips for staying on your ‘‘A” game this year and really taking care of yourself.


The sun …  that big yellow thing in the sky? I know, through the winter, it can often feel like a while since you’ve seen it. But try and get outside in the daylight. Some days, you get up in the pitch black, work non-stop all day and head home (often via the bar) in the dark. Even worse, sometimes days can pass if you work from home, and you realise you haven’t stepped outside.

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing. Lack of sunshine can lead to depression, sluggishness, trouble sleeping, irritability and a weakened immune system. The winter can be really stunning, so take a moment to look around and appreciate something about where you live. It might be the local park, the canal path to walk with the dog, the fab new cafe you could stop at if you walked to work… You’ll feel healthier for getting outside, and you’ll feel a bit smug too!


Get to bed early! Mum always says, “nothing good happens after midnight”, and we hate to admit it, but she’s not wrong! Look at creating a good bedtime routine, whether that means less screen time, setting a bedtime, taking a warm shower or bath, eating earlier … whatever is going to work for you. The old rule is to try and get your full 8 hours of sleep. You might find you need more or less. But tuning in and listening to your body will really help.

Check out our guest blog post on good sleep practices for more ideas on how to sleep right.

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Massage Me Self Care

Eat well

We’re all guilty of it, the alarm sounds (when you should get up) ... but you also know that you can hit ‘snooze’ 3 times, forget about breakfast and have a few extra minutes in bed. Then you end up running up the road to work eating on the go, hoping it will keep you going until lunch. A few small switches can help - 1 less snooze equals time for some food before leaving. Healthier ‘on the go’ options - bananas or breakfast bars rather than a sugar-laden coffee and pastry.

Lunch is often not in ideal settings: taken quickly / perched at your desk / fast food bought for convenience. If you have the opportunity, packing up leftovers from last night’s dinner can be a great option. Meaning lovely home-cooked food and less money spent on fast options, plus less terrible plastic packaging to throw away!

Dinner is usually the meal we take a little more time to enjoy. Sitting with loved ones - family or friends. But beware of the TV dinner - it can be tempting to curl up with something tasty in front of the TV, but it’s not good for your digestion or your relationships! Sit comfortably at a table and think about what you are eating. Take time to enjoy the company, the tastes, the ambience.

Drink water

You know you need to drink more water but let’s be honest, it’s hard work to keep on top of when you’ve got a busy schedule. Not just the actual drinking but the constant toilet stops - especially when you’re busy working and socialising.

Top tip, keep a bottle of water by your bed and drink the whole thing when your alarm goes off in the morning. It will completely flush you out and get you ready for the morning. Plus, you can do it with your eyes closed whilst you’re still in bed! Then, repeat before bed in the evening.


You don’t need to join the gym. It could be walking to the next bus stop rather than taking the one on the doorstep. Or heading out more regularly with the dog for walkies. Meeting up with friends and making it sociable is always a great option. Also, when you involve others, you’re more committed to turning up and following through.

Again, that fresh air will really make you feel better, physically and mentally.

Cycling Self Care

So there we go, our top basic tips. Not hard to follow, but small changes make all the difference.