Feel Great After Your Massage


Massage is well recognised as one way you can really look after yourself, mind and body.


Winter Wellbeing with Massage Me

There are numerous studies into massage, and there are many proven benefits to receiving massages, including :

  • Increased circulation

  • Removal of toxins from your system

  • Improved metabolism

  • Relax muscles and joints

  • Provide a sense of well being

  • Reduce stress and anxiety

  • Improve sleep quality

Massage Me’s menu is designed with you at the centre: your body, your mind, your needs. Our massages are customised to each individual’s specific requirements.

Check out our benefits page for more information on what massage can do for you.

Aftercare Advice

To keep these feelings of well-being going and going, we always recommend the following things to our clients. By doing the ones you can, you’ll really notice the benefits of your massage will last longer.

Make time for yourself before and after your massage session to really max out the relaxation.

  • Drink plenty of water to keep rehydrated and flush out toxins after a session

  • Avoid adding new toxins to your body like alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, etc.

  • Did we use aromatherapy oils with you ? Give them time to soak in and do their job

  • If we didn’t use aromatherapy oils, think about taking a bath to really loosen up and keep that ‘mmmmm’ massage feel going !

  • Dress in flowing, loose clothing after your session. Avoid elastics and artificial fabrics.

If you have any other questions, check our FAQ’s page. But our best advice ? Book another massage !

Self care with Massage Me


Sometimes, you may feel a few side effects after a massage - but they are all signs that the massage was a success and your body is eliminating toxins from your system and beginning to self-heal. You might experience :

  • The need for more regular trips to the toilet

  • Cold-like symptoms, such as a headache, runny nose and/or cough

  • Slight rash as the skin rebalances

  • Any dormant conditions, which have been suppressed, could flare up temporarily as part of the healing process.

  • Changes to the usual sleeping pattern - either deep sleep or difficulty sleeping and vivid dreams

  • Achy or sore muscles - especially after a sports or deep tissue massage

These reactions will be short-lived - around 24 / 48 hours and not something to worry about but a sign of the body rebalancing and cleansing itself.

If you’d like to know more about the benefits of massage, try the links here for more information.

